paint a sea turtle?! I had SO much fun doing this one -- you can do any kinds of colors you want! Also, please excuse the camera at the angle at the beginning. Good camera people are in short supply right now, and ones like that cute dude in the video aren't always good at not moving the Ipad ;)
I mention an outline tracing process that I included in my unicorn tutorial -- except I haven't yet shared that one, whoops! You can either print your outline and then hold it up to a bright window and put your watercolor paper on top to trace, or an ipad screen or monitor will also work. Or, if you have a lightbox, you can use that, too! The outline is here.
I'm excited to release a few more this week (definitely rainbow unicorns and some roses, working on a few others!) ,so keep an eye out! The tutorials are free and if you're enjoying the content, I'd be grateful for tips via venmo or paypal to let me know you'd like me to make more! Also, I'm using affiliate links when I can - the ones above are. Please also like my instagram and facebook, and favorite my etsy shop! And if you have a request for a tutorial, send it my way!
I used my Canson watercolor paper, Jane Davenport Brights and Prima Currents paints.
Oh, and here's the fun fact about sea turtles from my cousin Kelly, who is a marine geologist at The University of Miami -- the temperature of the sand determines if sea turtles become boys or girls when they hatch -- and since the world is warming, there will be more girl turtles. Scientists are worried about the ratio of boy:girl turtles. Really interesting, but also, yikes!
Here are the ones George and I painted!